First world problems (Part 1)

I have had a migraine for 3 days now. I told my coworker and she said it might be the weather (you know, cause it was “OMG! What is that?!” raining over here). I wanted to say, yo I’m a effing New Yorker. We don’t get sick in 3 feet of snow. We endure. But then I remembered I wore sandals for 2 days and got my feet wet. Sooo, maybe? And also, I’m not a mean person by nature. I would have never said this out loud (in case you were wondering). My coworker is a very nice lady, but I think Californians in general blamed the rain for their minor inconveniences this week lol.

Anyways, this gets me out of bowling tomorrow since I’m calling in sick and shutting off all electronic devices with bright lights for a day.

Um, yea that made no sense. Rewind.

My development team at work is having a fun fun fun bowling event to celebrate our accomplishments for the year. And everyone is strongly urged to attend. Forced camaraderie. Ugh. The worst. Not that my team members are mean or anything, they are actually quite nice! It’s just the bowling which kills it.

First, I have not bowled since I was in … middle school? I have lapses in my memory so I could be wrong. But anyways, my score is probably a 0 and I am extremely competitive by nature. Not outwardly, but a silent competitor. They are the most dangerous. (I kid).
Second, my acrylic nails are about 1.25 – 1.5 inches long right now. And they are already catching on things and causing me pain every time they get yanked. Can you imagine then if I picked up a bowling ball and they got stuck? Nah uh, I ain’t messing with that shit. I’m not that brave. Third, we have to bring socks and I am honestly not sure where I’ve kept my unworn box of socks.

I am a real mess aren’t I? … Don’t answer that. 😕

I’m kind of happy to have the day to myself tomorrow though. I will probably catch up on sleep and once my head stops pounding, I will clear the mess the rain left behind (leaves and dried foot prints in the entryway). Did you SEE how I just blamed the rain for me not wiping my feet before entering the house? That is how we Californians do it!

I have to get some shut eye now so I will end with this quote from Ernest Hemingway, found it quite true to my life 😆…

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?

Rainy Californians

Still raining here, quite horribly now. I caught a guy driving at night in the pouring rain with his eyes glued to his phone. And he was of an ethnicity I am already afraid to drive along with … (don’t yell at me now, we all know that some stereotypes are true, though it usually only applies to a small % of the world’s population). And to be fair, I’ll divulge one about myself. Indians love being late to everything. We call it Indian standard time lol. Not sure why, but we feel at ease this way, and we always have an excuse lined up. So next time you’re waiting in line at a 7-11 for what may seem like a millennium, you know why …

I had planned to do so much today: beauty shopping at CVS, cooking, cleaning and writing about the next phase of my life on this blog. Instead, I used a coupon to get a cheaper sandwich at Subway and came home and watched Chicago Fire. I then proceeded to wear an avocado oatmeal mask and bitch to you about how the rain made me lazy when in reality I am lazy to the core of my being. Why else wouldn’t I wear “real” shoes? (To get this you may need to read yesterday’s post where I ramble a bit about shoes, or lack thereof).

I would talk about things more serious but I prefer to keep my blog oriented around positive, happy thoughts with a side of sarcasm. It’s good for me and probably good for you? I am not sure yet.

There is so much more I am waiting to share with you (my life can be interesting, I promise) … However, this will have to do for today as my face is beginning to crack. Beauty woes … *sigh*

☆Goodnight☆ 😘

Flip flops for the win

Today something epic occurred in Southern California. The skies turned dark and stormy, readying to face the anxious LA drivers who on one end heaved a sigh of relief at the incoming downpour and on the other end, silently freaked out at the daunting task that lay before them. And for once they were literally silent. I did not see a single driver on his or her cell phone tonight, nor was anyone applying makeup … Side story here: I once honked at (and startled) a girl on the 405 who was diligently applying mascara while driving at 60 in the fast lane. Oh, and I cut her off, so I never got the chance to see if I botched her mascara attempt. Hello raccoon eyes? 

The funny part about the rain is it requires that one wear “real” shoes. And by “real” I mean shoes that keep your feet 75% enclosed with the power to walk through puddles with confidence. That is not me, by any stretch of the imagination. That was never me. I have an obsession with open-toed sandals. It might have something to do with my artistic pedicures, but we are getting off topic now … (ok fine, I have black, gold and maroon tribal patterned toes right now. You got me! Lol)

Back on track. I owned one pair of “real” shoes throughout college in NYC, a banged up but perfectly worn-in pair of Chuck Taylors. I had 2 pairs of short uggs that I paraded around when I didn’t feel it was fair for my toes to suffer from frostbite. After all, I was at a classy Ivy League, what better way to demonstrate style than with Uggs! However, I refused to wear them with socks. That was taking it a step too far in my opinion. Otherwise how else were you gonna squish the sheepskin between your toes?! (This is ridiculously comforting to do). I also had a pair of sneakers which I got in 10th grade and were still holding up many miles and 4 years later. Aside from that I had a multitude of flip flops and sandals. Roxy, Havianas, Old Navy, Indian sandals, you name it. I was never held accountable for proper footwear and moving to SoCal did not help my situation.

In LA I upgraded my footwear to designer wear (cliche, I know). But they were all still open-toed. And you know what? Nobody said a damn thing. It was the norm. Nobody yelled at me for walking in the snow in flip flops anymore. Heck, I could probably walk barefoot here if I really wanted to. It’s sad though, after moving here I did have to retire my raggedy sneakers and hole-y (is this a word?) Converse. And I hardly ever get a chance to parade around in my classy Uggs. So you can imagine, I had a heck of a time finding a pair of shoes to wear this morning. I ended up wearing my black lacy Toms (read this as a pair of classic Toms with tiny holes in it). And yes, I braved puddles and ran errands, all the while suffering from wet soles. But it got me thinking … I may need a pair of “real” shoes. Even LA thinks I need to grow up a bit. This could very well be the reason I’ve been feeling so empty of late. Cold toes can do that to a person …

Next hurdle: are socks a necessity? 😉

☆Goodnight LA 😘☆

I am an effing New Yorker

It’s creeping up on me a bit too fast, the realization that I would have lived in SoCal for 4 years as of Dec 29. That is the longest I have ever lived outside of NYC, my childhood home city of 17 years. Yep, I am a New Yorker people. Well, only formally so … I can safely say that I am never in a rush (unless there is some magical sample sale), I am not really rude (unless you cut me off on the highway), and I don’t miss the cold (unless I fit into a gorgeous Burberry jacket which at this point I won’t since I’ve just scarfed down the most amazing brc burrito).

Yet, without those 17 years in NYC, I would not be the person I am today. [Now this is going to sound extremely snobbish, but I mean it with the utmost sincerity]. I love the fact that I am cultured in art and music, that I have had the opportunity to taste food from a multitude of amazing restaurants and different cuisines, that I know what classy stands for, that I had to commute to get places, that my mom escorted me on the subway for many years (and for good reason), that I know how to hail a cab and finally, that I can drive like a mofo yellow cab driver (this has to be one of my proudest achievements lol). I can proudly say that NYC has shaped me into a well rounded intellectual (literally, as I won’t deny my chubby tendencies haha) 😉

I miss the city and my friends but most of all I miss calling it home. My whole family has moved away and it’s a hard place to visit without them there. I would love to move back some day, perhaps get a condo overlooking Central Park?

*Dream sequence begins*

-Good night y’all :*

Coastal dynamics

I had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. Eye-opening to say the least. My sister visited me from DC, she is totally an East Coaster if you know what I mean … And she reminded me of how well I fit into SoCal with my year-round flip flops, skinny jeans, casual tee, designer bag and shades hahah. Her words, not mine! I never really realized it until she pointed it out, we SoCal-ers venture out in the weirdest outfits, LV and Goyard beach bags much? (god forbid we get sand in our 2k-3k little babies!) Lol.

I love it here though. I never really fit in as well in my previous home cities of NYC and Austin. Coming to LA that all changed … I was now an independent little turbo with a lead foot, zooming around suburbs in my Honda Civic Hybrid. Yes, I zoom around in him and he doesn’t particularly like it (he whines when I cross 5 rpm), but I have raced quite a few cars on the highway in my time here, so you gotta give him props for that 😉

LA has offered me a place to grow as a person, to experience the things I never did in college, to make mistakes, fall in and out of love, and to mold my aspirations into something more tangible. I am coming up on 4 years now in this exciting, star-studded city and I can’t wait to share my journey with you.

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
- Bilbo Baggins (The Lord of the Rings)